New Families please Attend the New Student Orientation typically held in person one morning the week before school starts at Roscomare Road School.
Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is open
Parents can submit their applications electronically through the portal: https://apply.lausd.net
For out-of-boundary parents, open enrollment begins April 29 - May 20.
Planning to come to Roscomare? Let us know by filling out this information form (this is not an enrollment form) -it is designed as a first step to help Roscomare begin planning.
Kindergarten Age Requirements – Age 5 (before September 1, 2024)
Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) Age Requirements – Age 5 (September 2, 2024 – September 1, 2025)
Resident students are those who reside within Roscomare’s attendance area (see LAUSD School Finder.) If you live in Roscomare’s attendance area, please follow the directions below to verify your residency to obtain an enrollment packet. To help our school with planning for staff and class sizes, please turn in your enrollment packet as early as possible in April.
Only Resident students will be given an enrollment packet. Proof of residence is required to pick up an enrollment packet from the school office. Proof is required even though you may have siblings at the school.
- Current utility bills (Gas or DWP) (original documents or Proof of Service letter AND online statement printouts)
- Current Property Tax Bill (original)
- Original Rental/Lease Agreement with owner’s or management company name and contact information with a canceled check or receipt
- Escrow Papers (recent home purchase)
- Driver’s License (matching Address)
- Government ID or Voter Registration
*Documents verified by the principal
If your child is enrolling in grades 1st -5th, we require a report card to verify grade placement. If a child already attends an LAUSD school, a P.A.R. (pupil accounting report) from the current school is required by the end of the current school year.
- Completed enrollment forms
- Completed medical forms
- Record of immunizations [see immunization requirements below]
- Legal proof of birth: original Birth Certificate (no copies) or current Passport
- Proof of Residency (See above list)
- Parent Identification
If you are living outside of the school’s attendance area, you can apply through “Open Enrollment” also known as “the Lottery.” Typically a few students each year (varies by year) from outside of the Roscomare Road attendance area are welcomed through “Open Enrollment.” To apply for “Open Enrollment”, click here. Non-resident applicants will not be given a enrollment packet unless they are selected by the lottery.
If you have any questions about enrollment, please call the main office at (310) 472-9829 or email [email protected].
- All children entering a California school at pre-school or kindergarten level (or 1st grade if kindergarten was skipped) require immunization against polio, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), hepatitis B and varicella.
- Acceptable varicella documentation includes either the immunization or documentation by a health care provider that the child has had the varicella (chickenpox) disease.
- The health care provider or health agency performing the immunizations must give a written record to the student or parent/guardian containing the following information:
- Full legal name of child
- Birth date of child
- Type of vaccine(s) administered
- Date of each immunization (month/year), or health care provider’s written indication that the child had the disease, or lab report indicating that the child has immunity for the disease
- Name of health care provider or health agency administering vaccine(s)
- Exemptions to the immunization requirement are provided for medical reasons. (See California Administrative Code, Title 17, Division 1, Chapter 4, Section 6051.)
Under a new law enacted by SB 277, beginning January 1, 2016 personal beliefs exemptions will no longer be an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry into child care or school in California. Personal beliefs exemptions already on file will remain valid until the child reaches the next immunization checkpoint at transitional kindergarten/kindergarten or 7th grade.
For more information about school immunization requirements and resources, please visit: http://www.shotsforschool.org.