New Family Guide » School Hours/Drop-Off/Pick-Up

School Hours/Drop-Off/Pick-Up

School Hours

  • School starts promptly at 8:15 am (exception Minimum days start at 8:00 am) 
    • There are two bells: the first bell rings at 8:10 am and classrooms are open, the second bell rings at 8:15 am indicating the start of school.  
    • Children who arrive after the 8:15 am bell will enter through the office and will be marked "tardy." 
    • In accordance with district policy, be sure to deliver a note to the office explaining any day your child is marked tardy or absent. As district policy, you will receive phone calls and emails from LAUSD district office (not the Roscomare office) every time your child is late or absent.
  • Dismissal time is 2:43 pm, with the exception of Tuesdays, which have an early dismissal time of 1:43 pm. 
    • All TK/Kindergarten students must be picked-up on-time from their teacher at the classroom by a parent/guardian at the end of each school day. 
    • Pick-up time goes until 3:10 pm on regular dismissal days and 2:10 pm on Tuesday early dismissals. TK/K Yard gate closes at 3:00 pm, students will be in the office or at the lunch benches supervised by campus personnel.  
  • Minimum Day hours are 8:00am – 12:48 pm. 
    • There are about 10 minimum days throughout the school year. Minimum Days include days like Parent Conferences, Open House, STEAM Night, etc. 


  • Parking at Roscomare is challenging, particularly during the first 2 weeks of school. Families who arrive early (between 7:30-7:50 am) for morning drop-off will have a much easier time securing street parking.  For afternoon pick-up parents can either arrive ~30 minutes early to secure closer parking, or by 2:50-2:55 pm the first round of parents have picked up and you can easily park in the front or school or secure street parking close by.  
  • Please read posted signs and do not block residential driveways.  
  • Tandem parking spots in front of school can be used for pick-up and drop-off, be sure to pull all the way forward to allow 2 cars to park. If you block another car in front of the school, you must leave your cell phone number on your dashboard so you can be reached to move your car. 
  • Be courteous to our neighbors, our local businesses, and patient with one another. Above all, a safe and friend school environment is our top priority.  Our children are watching and learning.