About » School Rules

School Rules


Student attendance and student achievement are closely intertwined. Students who develop patterns of good attendance are much more likely to be successful both academically and socially than students who develop patterns of poor attendance. When a student is absent, he or she must present a written note from his/her parent which explains the cause of absence. The office provides a form which may be used in place of a note. Your child cannot learn if he/she is not in school. Children arriving late will be marked late in the office when the 8:15 a.m. bell rings. When your child is tardy they miss the most important part of the instructional day and disrupt the continuity of the classroom. Please ensure your child is on time every day! You will be contacted by the Attendance Counselor or the principal if your child is repeatedly tardy.


Children who dress for success do better in school. Students should wear clothing that is modest and appropriate for the weather. Graphic tee shirts with inappropriate wording are prohibited. It is also mandatory that students have shoes with both closed toes and closed heels (no sandals). The shoes should allow your child to participate comfortably in physical education. Please keep in mind that our students are outside during recess and lunch and are subject to sun exposure.


Games and toys are not permitted on campus. Pokeman cards, Yu Gi Oh cards, other trading cards, fidget spinners, laser pointers, balls, stuffed animals, and other electronic games and items are prohibited. They will be confiscated and may be picked up by a parent.


Students are permitted to possess cellular phones, Apple watches (Similar bands), iPads, tablets, or other personal electronic devices on campus provided that any such device remains “off” and stored where it is not visible during normal school hours, or school activities. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen devices.

Students are only permitted to use cellular phones, Apple watches (similar bands), iPads, tablets, or other personal electronic devices on campus before and after school, excluding the students’ lunchtime or recess. Cyberbullying is strictly prohibited. Students cannot take, share, or post a picture of other students or staff or comment or post links of or about other students or staff on social media sites. Texting pictures is also not allowed.

Students must comply anytime a request is made by school personnel to cease the use of their personal device, otherwise, their device will be confiscated and given to the principal.


Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday in all classes, and occasionally on Fridays and weekends. If your child tells you that he/she does not have homework, please speak to the teacher. You can assist your child in acquiring good homework habits by encouraging your child to do his/her work daily, providing a time and a quiet place to do the homework, and teaching him/her how to care for books and materials.


Students may not load, alter, delete, hack or otherwise make changes to any aspect of school technology. Teachers will send home a separate internet permission slip and students will be given training on the district’s acceptable use policy.


Children are not permitted to leave the grounds during the school day unless they are signed out at the office by an authorized adult. Students will not be released unless the teacher receives a blue release form from the office.


The school district does not provide insurance for loss or damage to the personal property of students. Please do not allow your children to bring valuable items or large sums of money to school. The school has a lost and found. Items in the lost and found are donated to charities before winter break, spring break and summer break.


We encourage you to visit the school at any time. You must come to the office first for a Visitor’s Pass and receive approval from the office to visit any classroom or enter campus every time you enter. Approved classroom visits are generally limited to twenty minutes. Visitations will not be approved if the administrator in charge deems the time or nature of the visit to be contrary to the instructional continuity and/or safety needs of the school.