Drop-Off/Pick-Up » Kiss & Ride

Kiss & Ride

Kiss & Ride is Roscomare's 100% Volunteer Staffed Valet Drop-Off Service to ease local traffic conditions, get your child safely to school, and parents on their way as quickly as possible. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules and guidelines to safely use Kiss & Ride.  
  • When entering the lot, make sure to take turns letting other parents in (zipper effect, one car from the north, one car from the south).
  • Pull ALL THE WAY forward as much as possible, following the directions of Kiss & Ride volunteers.
  • Have your child(ren) ready to get out of the car quickly, with backpacks easily accessible.
  • After your child(ren) exits the vehicle, efficiently and safely exit the parking lot to make room for other parents.
  • If you’ve chosen to park in the front lot and walk your child in, remember that Kiss & Ride cars have the right of way. You have to wait until the Kiss & Ride line is either cleared or at a natural stop to cross the flow of traffic.
  • Treat Kiss & Ride volunteers with patience and respect. They’re enforcing rules that have been set up to ensure safety and efficiency. 

  • After you’ve entered the front lot, don’t stop your car if there are available drop-off positions in front of you. 
  • Never get out of your car. Please ensure that all caretakers who drop-off in the  morning are aware of this important restriction. 
  • Don’t have backpacks in the trunk of your car. Backpacks should be with your child(ren) or easily accessible in the front seat.
  • If your child is in a harnessed carseat, the seat should be easy to undo and the child should be ready to get out with the help of a volunteer, not a parent. If a child requires assistance and more time, you need to park on the street and walk them in.
  • Child(ren) can not be let out on the driver side of the car. Kiss & Ride volunteers WILL NOT walk to the driver side to assist, so students have to be prepared and able to exit the passenger side by the curb. 
  • No stopping or dropping off in the Drive Thru lane. No exceptions.