New Family Guide » In The Classroom

In The Classroom

There are many opportunities to be involved in your child’s Roscomare experience, get to know their friends and participate as they learn and grow. Please talk to your teacher about how you can support the class and get involved.
Room Parents are responsible for supporting the teacher and classroom, communicating with all parents in the class and keeping them informed and up to date about important school information, all events, reminders, fundraising and activities.  Room Parents are also responsible for coordinating Kiss & Ride for your class (see KISS & RIDE), setting-up and maintaining a classroom information and photo sharing sites, and attending the one-hour monthly Friends of Roscomare Meetings during the school year. All room parents are expected to be supporting members of Friends of Roscomare Annual Giving, and encourage their class to reach 100% participation.  
Please let your teacher know if you are interested in being a room parent and visit our room parent page to learn more about the responsibilities. At times not all interested parents can be selected; if that occurs rest-assured that there are many opportunities to help in your classroom as well as FOR events/programs. Email [email protected] and let the F.O.R. board know you want to help; additionally ask your teacher for opportunities to get involved.
Classroom Help: TK/Kindergarten Teachers set-up a daily volunteer schedule for parents to help in the classroom. Typically, shifts are 8:15 am–12:00 pm (mornings), and 12:00 pm – 2:43 pm (afternoons, with the exception of early dismissal Tuesdays). Please contact your teacher to volunteer. These are treasured moments in the classroom which are only available during these early years. Our teachers welcome your help! You must apply for and be approved as an official LAUSD volunteer in order to help in your classroom. Click here to get started with the volunteer application process.
Events:  Occasions typically celebrated in the classroom include Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Young Author’s Day, End of Year Celebration, and more. It’s a great way to spend time with your TK/Kindergarten student and to get to know their new friends!
Class parties are held during recess or lunchtime, not to disrupt instructional time, and food is donated by parents in the class. Sign-up sheets (typically sign up genius) are distributed for parents to volunteer to bring food and paper products, as well as set-up and clean-up for each event. If your child has allergies or dietary restrictions, please be sure your teacher and room parents are aware so treats and celebrations can be planned accordingly.