New Family Guide » School Events

School Events

Roscomare offers a great number of fun events for the students throughout the year, here is a sample, be sure to check out the school calendar for the latest dates.  
  • BACK-TO-SCHOOL NIGHT: A Fall evening reception event in your classroom for parents only. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet your fellow parents, ask questions, and learn from your teacher about what’s in store for the year. Back-to-School Night is a Minimum Day.
  • BOOK FAIR: Be sure to stop by the Book Fair in the LIBRARY where you can purchase a new book for your child. A Teacher’s Wish List is also available if you would like to donate a book to your class. And our children make a wish list of books they’d like too, which will be sent home.
  • STEAM NIGHT: A not-to-be missed early-evening event held in the Fall for enrolled students and parents to explore the wonderful world of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math)! Our teacher-led experiments and activities are designed and grouped for students of various grade-levels. Details and registration forms will be distributed along with information to advance purchase In-N-Out meals for your family.  STEAM NIGHT is a Minimum Day.
  • PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES: Conferences are held twice a year: in the Fall and in the Spring. Teachers provide more information during the school year regarding the schedule. Parent Teacher Conference weeks usually include Monday and Wednesday Minimum Days.
  • HOLIDAY SHOW: We have an amazing holiday show with song and dance in December. This is a not-to-be-missed event in which all students of Roscomare perform thanks to our Annual Giving Fund.
  • OPEN HOUSE: A special early-evening family event typically in the Spring, providing parents, siblings and other family members a chance to visit the classroom where children showcase their incredible accomplishments and hard work from throughout the year.  Open House is a Minimum Day.
  • YOUNG AUTHORS DAY: A morning in your child’s class that you will treasure. Young Author’s Day takes places at the end of the school year, and, is a chance for parents to hear their child read a short story about someone special in their life. Your room parent will provide details.
  • SPIRIT DAYS: There are several Spirit Days throughout the school year, as scheduled by Student Council. Themes, such as “Crazy Hair Day” or “Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character” will be announced and students are encouraged to join the fun!
  • STAFF BREAKFASTS: Every grade-level collaborates in hosting ONE of the monthly Staff Appreciation Potluck breakfasts or lunches in the Teacher’s Lounge each year. Room Parents distribute sign-up sheets in advance. We look forward to celebrating our incredible teachers!
  • TEACHER/STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK: Teacher Appreciation Week is a week-long national celebration of educators, held during the first full week of May! Room Parents coordinate various tokens of appreciation (flowers, treats, cards, etc.) from the entire class during this week. Parents may also individually gift teachers if they wish. Your Room Parent will distribute a list of your Teacher’s Favorite Things. Friends of Roscomare also organizes daily meals/treats for all employees. We truly appreciate our remarkable teachers at Roscomare!
  • PICTURE DAY: Individual and class pictures are taken on a designated date in the first semester. Order forms are distributed. Make-up photos are offered for individual photos only. Individual and class photos are published in the annual school yearbook.