How do I drop off? How do I pick up? With Patience.
The drop off and pick up plan requires a community effort and most of all patience. Please expect the first two weeks will be a very slow process, with lots of traffic, and waiting. Leave yourself extra time for pick up and drop off and exhibit patience, our children are watching and learning. It will get easier after the first two weeks.
The exact drop-off and pick-up plan by grade is outlined below. The goal is safety first, then efficiency. Please follow the directions below and the direction of staff and volunteers. When driving onto campus, for the safety of children, staff, and parent volunteers, you may not use a cell phone or device and must drive slowly. Also, early in the school year your teachers will advise of the best way to reach them. Please do not try to have any conversation with staff or volunteers beyond a friendly wave during drop off and pick up this will allow the flow of drop off and pick-ups more efficiently.
Note: Authorities will be called for any cars parked in red zones, in front of fire hydrants, or in other illegal or unsafe areas as this creates and unsafe environment for everyone.
Drop-off: 7:30-8:10 am
All parents can choose to park along Roscomare Road and carefully walk their children to the front of the school where they will be cleared for entry by an aide. When parking, please be respectful of our neighbors and do not park in driveways or block driveways.
- Parking in the tandem spaces in front of school is a great option for walking your child in quickly. But be sure to walk your child to either cross-walk to enter campus i.e. NO walking through the Kiss and Ride lanes for safety reasons.
- NO Parking in the Drive-Thru Lanes
During the first 2 days of school, all teachers will have signs to direct kids to their classrooms.
UTK/TK and Kindergarten (Day 1 & Day 2)- parents/guardians must walk their children to the Kindergarten gate at the front of the school. Students will check in with an aide before entering the yard. Parents will say goodbye at the Kindergarten gate and will not enter the yard with them. An aide along with parent volunteers will supervise the children until their teachers pick them up and take them to their classrooms.
UTK/TK and Kindergarten (Day 3 and beyond) – parents/guardians may choose to either walk their children to the Kindergarten gate at the front of the school like they did on Day 1 and 2, or they may drive through the Kiss & Ride. Our young students who are not yet ready to exit their car, should, instead, be walked to the Kindergarten gate. If using Kiss & Ride, parents must stay in their car at all times.
1st-5th – parents/guardians may either walk their children to the front main gate at the front of the school or may drive through the Kiss & Ride. Please walk your children to the front school gate if they have trouble getting out of the car without you. If using Kiss & Ride, parents must stay in their car at all times.
Students are Tardy After 8:15 am. The big yard gate will be locked at that time. Students arriving after 8:15 will need to be walked to the front of school, ring the front office bell, and wait with a parent/guardian until a staff member is able to check them in. Please avoid this if possible, as with limited staff at that time this process could take a while.
Pick-up After School
2:43 pm Dismissal M, W, TH, F
1:43 pm Dismissal Tuesdays
12:48 pm Dismissal - Minimum Days (10 days/year, dates will be announced in advance)
School gates will open at the dismissal bell. Parents will walk on campus and pick up students from their teachers at the designated spot next to your child's classroom. The big gate and kindergarten gate will close promptly at 3:00 pm (2:00 pm on Tuesday). The front entrance gate will remain open until 3:10 pm (2:10 pm on Tuesday) from the lunch benches. All pick ups after 3:10 are considered late and will require parents to sign out students with a late log.
If you are unable to pick up your child by 3:10/2:10 (Tuesdays) you must enroll in an after school program below.
Friends of Roscomare Classes (Fee Based)
Program Days: Varied Days
Program Hours: Dismissal - 4:05 pm (3:05 pm Tuesday)
Grades: UTK - 5th
STAR Galaxy/Nova Enrichment Classes
Star is an enrichment based program. It is also a licensed program— meaning that Social Services monitors the program to ensure we meet their standards. At Star our student to teacher ratio is 1:14, giving your students better opportunities to have specialized care and assistance with projects, homework, sports skills etc. This program has a minimum enrollment of 3 days/week and you can pick up your child anytime between dismissal and 6pm when the program ends. If you have questions about Star please email [email protected].
ELOP is a district funded program, with opportunities for physical activity and enrichment activities. It is NOT a licensed program. The ratio for ELOP for TK/K is 1:10 and the ratio for 1st-5th is 1:20. If you sign up for this program your child MUST attend 5 days/week, with a pick up time of 5:45 pm per the district. If you have questions about ELOP please email [email protected].
Let’s work together as a community to get students to/from school safely.